Vertical Integration: Definition, Benefits, Types, Examples

Definition of Vertical Integration

Vertical integration is where the company obtains the ownership and control of more than one stage of the supply chain. The type of vertical integration could be to move forward to the end consumer, or else, move backward to raw materials production. It simply means where a company controls multiple stages of its supply chain, from production to distribution.

The goal of vertical integration is to expand and gain control of the entire supply chain. This refers to the process of acquiring or starting the business operations within the same production vertical to take control over one or more stages in the value chain.

Types of Vertical Integration

There are two types of Vertical Integration,

  1. Backward Integration
  2. Forward Integration

Why do Companies Follow Vertical Integration?

How does Vertical Integration Work?

Simply companies achieve vertical integration in two ways,

  1. Take ownership and control of more than one stage of the supply chain. Simply this means getting control of business activities that are behind in the company’s value chain. To move backward to raw materials production.
  2. Take ownership and control of more than one stage of the distribution chain. Simply this means getting control of business activities that are ahead in the company’s value chain. To move forward toward the end consumer.

The company can either choose one of the above options or can choose both options to move forward with the vertical integration.

Real Industry Examples for Vertical Integration

1. Zara Designs Clothes in-house and Manufactures in their Plants

Zara is a hugely popular globally renowned clothing brand headquartered in Spain. The company changes its clothing designs every two weeks on average, while competitors change their designs every two or three months.

The company has done successful vertical integration and operates through its large retail stores across the world. Zara does their design and manufactures in their plants. Due to such vertical integration in their value chain, the company can ensure a change of wardrobe and style based on season and has the fastest inventory turnover. The company had achieved economies of scale as much while enjoying the excellent profit. Zara is having a higher competitive advantage in the industry.

More information: Zara Clothing Company Supply Chain

3. Introduction of “Amazon Publishing”

Amazon started as an online book retailer (internet bookstore) in 1995, procuring books from publishers. Amazon started “Amazon Publishing” in 2009 which allows them to publish books. After the above, Amazon may receive a cut on both as publisher and as bookseller if a reader buys one of its titles.

More information on this acquisition:” The Amazon Publishing Juggernaut” – Article Published in The Atlantic“How To Self-Publish Your Book Through Amazon” – Article Published in Forbes

4. Carnegie Steel Company constructed its Own Blast Furnaces

Carnegie Steel Company is a steel-producing company. The company needs ‘coke’ to produce steel. Several nearby suppliers own ‘blast furnaces’ to produce coke. However, these suppliers were unable to consistently meet the demand for Carnegie’s mills. Then the company moved to construct its own ‘blast furnaces’ for coke production, cutting out the dependency on their suppliers and ensuring reliable and cheap supply.

More information: Article Published about “Carnegie Steel” in Harvard Business School Digital Initiative

5. McDonald’s acquired Dynamic Yield to improve their Digital Customer Experience

In 2019, McDonald’s acquired a tech company called Dynamic Yield. The company was planned to improve its digital customer experience touchpoints with this acquiring. The technology allows menus at McDonald’s drive-thrus to change based on various factors such as weather, current traffic, and more.

More information: Dynamic Yield Joins the McDonald’s Family

6. Walt Disney

The Walt Disney Company was a movie production company. The Walt Disney Company introduced Disney+ in 2019, which enables them to stream on-demand videos directly to their end customers.

More information: Disney+ and the Streaming Revolution

Synergies of Vertical Integration

Advantages / Benefits of Vertical Integration

Disadvantages / Cons of Vertical Integration

Difference Between Vertical Integration and Horizontal Integration

Balance Integration of Vertical Integration

  • Optimized Resources
    Companies can allocate resources and investment more efficiently by focusing on the most critical parts of their supply chain.
  • Innovation and Quality
    Companies can ensure high quality and foster innovation by controlling key stages of production,
  • Market Responsiveness
    Maintaining some level of external supply and distribution allows companies to quickly adapt to market changes without being locked into inflexible structures.
  • Risk Diversification
    Spreading the supply chain across internal and external sources helps mitigate risks related to supply disruptions or market volatility.

How Acquisition and Mergers Result Vertical Integration

Is Vertical Integration Good for Company?

When Should a Company Decide with Vertical Integration?

Key Areas Company should consider before moving to Vertical Integration

  1. Strategic Fit and Objectives
    Companies should assess whether vertical integration supports their strategic objectives. This includes considering how integrating upstream or downstream activities will enhance competitive advantage, improve market positioning, or mitigate risks in the supply chain.
  2. Cost-Benefit Analysis
    Conducting a thorough cost-benefit analysis is crucial. Companies should evaluate the potential cost savings, efficiencies, and revenue opportunities that vertical integration could bring compared to the costs of investment, operation, and management of additional supply chain activities.
  3. Supply Chain Assessment
    Analyzing the current supply chain is essential to identify inefficiencies, quality control issues, or vulnerabilities that vertical integration could address. Companies should assess whether internalizing certain activities will lead to better control over inputs, improve product quality, or ensure a more reliable supply of critical materials.
  4. Market Dynamics and Demand
    Understanding market dynamics and demand trends is critical. Companies should assess whether there is stable or growing demand for their products/services to justify the investment in vertical integration. Additionally, they should consider how integration will impact pricing strategies, market competitiveness, and customer relationships.
  5. Capability and Expertise
    Assessing internal capabilities and expertise is necessary to determine if the company has the necessary skills, resources, and management capacity to successfully operate additional supply chain activities. This includes evaluating technical expertise, operational capabilities, and potential gaps that may need to be addressed through training or hiring.
  6. Risk Assessment and Mitigation
    Vertical integration introduces new risks, such as operational complexities, regulatory challenges, and financial commitments. Companies should conduct a thorough risk assessment to identify potential risks and develop mitigation strategies to minimize these risks effectively.
  7. Legal and Regulatory Considerations
    Understanding legal and regulatory implications is crucial. Companies should assess whether vertical integration complies with antitrust laws, competition regulations, and industry standards. Legal counsel may be necessary to navigate potential challenges and ensure compliance with relevant laws.
  8. Organizational Alignment and Culture
    Vertical integration can impact organizational structure, processes, and culture. Companies should assess how integration will align with existing organizational structures and culture, as well as how to manage potential resistance or challenges from stakeholders affected by the change.

FAQs of Vertical Integration

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