Horizontal Integration: Definition, Synergies, Examples

Definition of Horizontal Integration

Horizontal Integration is where two companies in the same industry merge together. Competitor companies in the same industry get together to achieve economies of scale and higher market share. Horizontal Integration occurs within the same industry so that the entities involved can enhance their competencies together. Horizontal integration happens when a company acquires or merges with other companies that operate at the same level in the industry or supply chain. This approach aims to consolidate market power, reduce competition, achieve economies of scale, and expand the company’s reach and product offerings.

Horizontal integration optimizes the consolidated strategic business activities and processes. The company will be able to explore new market segments, achieve economies of scale, eliminate competition, increase efficiency, and optimize production capabilities as a result of horizontal integration.

The business combinations after horizontal integration may lead to industry consolidation. This will create an oligopolistic or monopolistic situation in the industry. The eliminated competition might lead to increase prices for products. This will be a disadvantage to the consumer’s point of view.

  • A company can quickly enter new markets or increase its presence in existing ones by integrating horizontally.
  • Merging with or acquiring similar companies can lead to cost savings through improved efficiency, bulk purchasing, and shared resources.
  • A company can reduce the level of competition in the market by absorbing competitors. This can lead to increased pricing power and market influence.
  • Horizontal integration allows companies to expand their product lines or services, appealing to a broader customer base and reducing dependence on a single product or service.
  • Companies can achieve synergies by combining their strengths and capabilities, such as combining advanced technologies, skilled labor, or innovative practices.

How does Horizontal Integration Work?

Reasons for a Company to Integrate Horizontally

  1. Increase Market Share
    A company can significantly increase its market share and customer base by acquiring or merging with a competitor. This leads to greater influence and visibility in the industry.
  2. Reduce Competition
    Horizontal integration reduces the number of competitors in the market which allows the integrated company to have more pricing power and market control.
  3. Achieve Economies of Scale
    Combining operations with a similar company can lead to cost savings through larger production volumes, bulk purchasing of materials, shared resources, and streamlined processes.
  4. Expand Product Lines
    Acquiring a competitor with complementary products or services allows a company to diversify its offerings and meet a broader range of customer needs.
  5. Enhance Bargaining Power
    A larger, integrated company has greater leverage when negotiating with suppliers, distributors, and customers, often leading to better terms and conditions.
  6. Access to New Markets
    Horizontal integration can help a company enter new geographic or demographic markets quickly by leveraging the established presence and reputation of the acquired company.
  7. Increase Synergies
    By combining strengths, such as advanced technologies, skilled labor, and innovative practices, companies can achieve greater efficiencies and foster innovation.
  8. Improve Profit Margins
    Reduced competition and increased operational efficiencies often lead to higher profit margins and overall financial performance.
  9. Leverage Brand Strength
    Integrating with a well-known and respected competitor can enhance the company’s brand image and credibility in the market.
  10. Consolidate Resources
    Horizontal integration allows companies to consolidate their resources, such as research and development capabilities, marketing efforts, and distribution networks, leading to more robust operations.

Real Industry Examples of Horizontal Integration

2. Daimler-Benz Purchased Chrysler Corporation

In 1998, the German automobile company Daimler-Benz, the producer of the world-famous luxury car brand Mercedes-Benz, announces a merger with the United States based Car Maker Chrysler Corporation.

The company was renamed DaimlerChrysler upon acquiring. The merger is intended to safeguard the long-term competitiveness of the companies involved. This combination was expected to boost competitiveness and strengthen earning power.

More information: News Article by Daimler, News Article by History

4. Mittal Steel’s Acquisition of Arcelor

One of the world’s largest steel producers Mittal Steel Company had merged with Arcelor. Arcelor was also a large-scale steel manufacturing corporation.

Mittal Steel announced a hostile bid for Arcelor. The deal was valued at $38.3 billion. But there was oppose from French, Luxembourg, and Spanish Governments for this takeover.

After series of discussions and activities, the Arcelor board decided to go ahead with the merger with Mittal Steel in 2006. The two companies merged to become the world’s largest steel company ArcelorMittal which occupied the number one position in North America, South America, Europe, and Africa. 10% of the world’s steel production is handled by the combined Arcelor–Mittal. The company controls a significant portion of the global steel business after this combination.

More information: SpringerLink

6. The Disney-Pixar Merger

The Walt Disney Company was founded in 1923 by brothers Walt and Roy Disney. It is one of the largest media and entertainment corporations in the world. Pixar was a movie production company mainly in computer-animated filmmaking.

Robert A. Iger, President and Chief Executive Officer of The Walt Disney Company, announced in 2006 that Disney has agreed to acquire computer animation leader Pixar for $7.4 billion.

This acquisition combines Pixar’s creative and technological resources with Disney’s unparalleled portfolio of world-class family entertainment, characters, theme parks, and other franchises.

This was a successful integration and produced many movies together.

More information: News Article by Disney, Article Published by Qrius

7. British Petroleum Company becomes One of World’s Seven Oil and Gas Supermajors

British petrochemical corporation merged with the Amoco Corporation, one of the largest American chemical and oil company in 1998. Both companies are actively involved in international oil exploration, petroleum, and petrochemical production.

After the merger, the British petrochemical corporation became one of the world’s largest oil companies. British Petroleum also acquired/merged with multiple oil companies such as Britoil PLC, Standard Oil Company, and Amoco to gain economies of scale and global market power.

More information: Britannica

8. Tata Steel Acquired Corus Group in 2007

Tata Steel (in India) was established in 1907 which was the largest steel producer. Corus was formed through the merger of British Steel and Koninklijke Hoogovens, which was an international steel and metals manufacturer.

Corus was acquired by Tata Group in 2007. This was a £6.2 billion (US$12 billion) acquisition.
After the acquisition, Mr. Ratan Tata, Chairman of Tata Steel and Corus, said that this is a major step forward in the company’s global strategy. He had a strong belief that two companies will share a global vision for the business.

The combined company had a crude steel production of around 27 million tonnes in 2007. The combined company was the world’s fifth-largest steel producer with a major presence in Europe as well as Asia.

More information: Press release of Tata Steel, Tata Steel Europe, Wikipedia

10. Hewlett-Packard and Compaq agree to Merge to be the Global Technology Leader

Compaq was an American information technology company founded in 1982 that developed, sold, and supported computers and related products and services. Hewlett-Packard provided a wide variety of hardware components, as well as software and related services to consumers and businesses.

Both companies merged to create an $87 billion global technology leader. The merger was expected to generate cost synergies of approximately $2.0 billion. Companies aimed to have the industry’s most complete set of IT products and services for both businesses and consumers.

The company expected that the new HP would be the #1 global player in servers, imaging & printing, and access devices. Also expected that new HP would be the Top 3 player in IT services, storage, and management software. The consolidated aim of the combined entity was to be the global technology leader using economies of scale.

More information: Press Release by HP, Article by CRN Magazine

Deep Dive of Integrate Horizontally

Types of Horizontal Integration

Synergies of Horizontal Integration

Advantages / Benefits of Horizontal Integration

Disadvantages / Cons of Horizontal Integration

Risks of Horizontal Integration

Difference Between Horizontal Integration and Vertical Integration

FAQs of Horizontal Integration

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