Difference Between Monopolistic Competition vs. Monopoly

Difference Between Monopolistic Competition and Monopoly

Differences between Monopolistic Competition and Monopoly are explained in the below table,

FeaturesMonopolistic CompetitionMonopoly
Product Features
(Across Producers)
Highly Substitutable
Highly Similar
But Not Identical
No Substitutes
Industry Entry & Exit BarriersEasy Industry Entry & ExitVery High Barriers.
Nearly Impossible To Entry/Exit.
Industry CompetitionHighNo Competition
Number Of Producers (Sellers)Large No Of ProducersOnly One Producer
Market Power Of Individual Firm
(Ability To Control The Price)
Has Low Control Over PriceVery High.
Has the Complete Control Over Price
Ability To Control The OutputHas Low Control Over OutputHas the Complete Control Over Output
Possibility To Earn Super Normal ProfitsLow PossibilityHigh Possibility
Individual Producer’s Market ShareLowComplete Market Share
Producer’s Possibility To Reach Economies of ScaleLowVery High
Monopolistic Competition vs Monopoly
Monopolistic Competition vs Monopoly
Monopolistic Competition vs Monopoly

Differences between Monopolistic Competition and Monopoly are explained in the below points,

  1. Product Features of Monopolistic Competition are Highly Substitutable, Highly Similar, But Not Identical. But in a Monopoly, Product Features are Unique, and No Substitutes.
  2. Industry Entry & Exit Barriers are Easy in Monopolistic Competition. But comparatively, there are Very High Barriers To Entry/Exit in Monopoly (Nearly Impossible).
  3. Industry Competition is High in Monopolistic Competition. But in Monopoly, there is No Competition.
  4. There are a Large Number of Producers (Sellers) in Monopolistic Competition. But comparatively, there is Only One Producer in Monopoly.
  5. There is Low Market Power of an Individual Firm (Low Ability To Control The Price) in Monopolistic Competition. But comparatively, it is Very High in Monopoly. Individual firms in Monopoly have Complete Control Over Price.
  6. There is a Low Possibility of Earning Super Normal Profits in Monopolistic Competition. But there is a High Possible in Monopoly.
  7. There is a Low Ability for a Firm to Control the Output in Monopolistic Competition. But Firm Has the Complete Control Over Output in Monopoly.
  8. Individual Producer’s Market Share is Low in Monopolistic Competition. But Comparatively, the Firm has the Complete Market Share in Monopoly.
  9. There is a Low Individual Producer’s Possibility of Reach Economies of Scale in Monopolistic Competition. But it is Very High in Monopoly.

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Market Structures

Monopolistic Competition

Monopoly Market

Oligopoly Market

Perfect Competition

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