Societal Marketing Concept: In-Depth Explanation with Examples

1) Definition of Societal Marketing Concept
2) Need of Societal Marketing Concept
3) Examples of Societal Marketing Concept
4) Difference between Societal Marketing Concept and Social Marketing Concept

Definition of Societal Marketing Concept

The Societal Marketing Concept states that corporates should offer products and services which satisfy the needs of their consumers, company requirements and maintains the well-being of the society at large. This concept stresses that the marketing strategy should deliver value to consumers in a way that enhances both the consumer’s and society’s well-being.

There are three constraints of the Societal Marketing Concept:

1) Society (Human Welfare)
2) Consumers (Satisfaction)
3) Company (Profits)

The company should balance these constraints.

The Societal Marketing Concept considers the wide aspect of the business. A business generates and distributes an economic activity in society. Business personals like the owner, management, employees and marketers are also a member of the society. Therefore, their actions impact not only the members but also the entire social environment of society.

This concept is more similar to sustainable marketing. The business and environment depend on each other. Businesses should adopt society-oriented marketing strategies, instead of only focusing on business constraints.

The societal marketing concept is based on the principle of societal welfare. This concept forces the company to shift its focus from transaction to relationship.

Societal marketing takes the following points into consideration,

  • Consumer need is of utmost importance.
  • Genuine and continuous developments in the products should be executed. This increases the product’s value and lifespan.
  • Insist on building long-term customer relationships.

Need of Societal Marketing Concept

Societal Marketing Concept is defined to board the constraints which company decides on making marketing decisions. The company should consider customer needs, the company’s requirements, the customer’s long-run interest, and society’s long-run interest. Executives should consider all of these aspects when a company defines its marketing decisions.

Results of this concept will meet the present needs of customers and corporates while also maintaining or improving the ability of future generations to meet their needs. The world we live in today is facing many challenges like global warming, ozone depletion, and land desertification. Therefore, businesses should also take societal and environmental responsibility, while satisfying customers’ needs.

This concept stresses that the corporates should not ignore society’s long-term welfare so as to achieve its strategic goals. An organization should have moral and environmentally friendly policies and should ensure that proper regulations and codes are implemented.

Examples of Societal Marketing Concept

1) Beyond Meat

Beyond Meat produces plant-based meat believing to positively impact four growing global issues like human health, climate change, constraints on natural resources, and animal welfare.

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2) Green Toys

The company produces 100% Recycled Toys. Recycled milk jugs are the primary ingredient in their toys. Plastic is collected by waste management, cleaned, shredded, and reprocessed into various toys. The company strictly follows safety and environmental laws.

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3) Yes Straws

Plastic straws are harmful to our environment. YesStraws produce an eco-friendly alternative to harmful plastic straws.

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4) The Body Shop

The Body Shop is a well known cosmetic brand. The company aims to use environmentally friendly synthetic ingredients for its products. Also, they launched a community fair trade program to source ethical, high-quality ingredients and accessories from thousands of producers, farmers, and artisans across the world.

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5) Who Gives A Crap

This company produces 100% recycled toilet paper without using any inks, dyes, or scents. The company also donates 50% of its profits to build toilets in the developing world.

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6) Pela

Pela wants to create a waste-free future. Pela Case produces a 100% compostable, eco-friendly phone case. The company develops products made of environmentally sensible materials. The company also educates and inspires the global community of people who are committed to making a positive impact on our planet.

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History of Societal Marketing Concept

In the 1960s and 1970s, the unethical marketing practices of many companies became public. The social marketing concept was introduced in 1972. This highlighted a more socially responsible, honest, and ethical model of marketing.

Philip Kotler introduced the concept of societal marketing and social marketing. He introducing the societal marketing concept to the literature in a 1972 article “What Consumerism Means for Marketers” in the Harvard Business Review of 1972.

Difference between Societal Marketing Concept and Social Marketing Concept

There is a significant difference between the societal marketing concept and the social marketing concept. Societal marketing connects the concept of social responsibility into commercial marketing strategies. Social marketing connects social issues to commercial marketing strategies.

You may refer to the below article for the in detail comparison between Societal Marketing Concept and Social Marketing Concept.

Difference between Societal Marketing Concept and Social Marketing Concept

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